Studium Generale .

Dance Performance and Discussion

All shows by

Studium Generale .

Studium Generale

Dance Performance and Discussion .

Thu 30 May 2024 20:30

Studium Generale
Studium Generale and Delft Fringe team-up for this in-depth program. The starting point of this session is the performance 'Iraqi bodies' by dance maker Liza Sulaiman, about immigration and identity, which you can watch before (8 p.m.) or after (10 p.m.) this the talk.

When you leave your home, do you leave a part of yourself behind? Join us for an evening of dance and an exploration of how traumatic events can fracture your identity.

Liza created this performance in collaboration with dancer Ali Zanad, who escaped from Baghdad to the Netherlands with his family when he was twelve. Ali is a constant, indirect presence within the performance. The audience hears Ali reading the Arabic poems of his father Khazal Al-Majidi. They also see fragments of Ali's body when Liza scans her body with a tablet, like a landscape that gradually unfolds. We zoom in on the physical surface; the tightening muscles, veins, and scars. Finally, they see the mouth that reads his father's poems.

Discussion and reflection with Studium Generale

Turn from audience to contributor! Share your experiences as we explore the rich themes in Liza’s performance. In conversation with the performer and a researcher, we will try to work out what it takes for someone to feel like they belong.

Entrance is free, but if you want to be assured of a spot reserve a ticket, because full = full.

For the performance 'Iraqi bodies' you need a separate ticket. You can buy a ticket for this performance by Liza Sulaiman here.

The main language of this event is English.

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