Experience Delft Fringe Festival this summer. .

The first two weeks of June.

The most fun festival in Delft

For nine days you will experience Delft in a different way: 29 young artists treat residents and visitors of all ages to over 250 performances. At 28 special locations in the city where you might not otherwise come. From cabaret to music and from dance to theater. Delft Fringe Festival cordially invites you. Experience, witness and discover. Be moved, surprised, inspired and enjoy!

A full experience

Immerse yourself in genres you already know or step out of your comfort zone and visit a performance you would otherwise never choose. In this way, the festival is not just a cultural outing but a complete experience. For avid theater lovers, but also if you've never been to the theater before. No long evening on red plush in fancy evening wear. But enjoy short performances of up to 30 minutes in intimate locations. Check out our festival magazine.


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