News .

The latest news from Delft Fringe Festival.

Discover Delft and enjoy exciting performing arts at the same time!
You can easily read it online on our website to see the complete program!
This year it falls on Sunday 5 and Monday 6 June. That means: a very long weekend to do fun things!
Delft Fringe Festival is finally going live again after three years. And that is more important than ever.
Doortje Peters and Robin Lie, founders of Tappin-It Collective, won the Audience Award last year and are now the mast head of Delft Fringe Festival
No less than 22 exclusive festival premieres Delft
Tappin-it Collective two years under the wings of Delft Fringe Festival
Young artists can finally perform and gain experience again
Delft Fringe Festival offers artists guidance throughout the year.
Sign up for the Delft Fringe Festival 2022 (Juni 2-12)

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